helpful tips on getting started with gel polish

we asked and we listened! doing your own gel polish manicures at home is becoming more popular, but if you’re one of the few who still gets slightly intimidated by the notion of DIY, take note of these useful tips. we have spoken to many lovely ladies about their biggest hurdle to doing their own gel polish manicures and the answers we received back were quite similar. i can relate, i use to struggle with a lot of the same things. through practice and research, i’ve become much better at the whole gel polish process, and you can too....
6 Things Your Nail Salon Doesn't Want You To Know
who says no to a great-looking manicure? not the career women who need to always look put-together, even down to the smallest detail. not the stay-at-home mums who deserve some “me” time after all the work they do each day. not your teenage niece, your BFFs or your grandma. with the wide variety of nail care products out there, there is now literally a nail polish colour (or art) for every individual. thanks to nail care technology, there are now various innovative solutions for anyone who believes that having well-maintained, freshly painted fingernails is an essential component of good grooming,...
I'm confused, is that gel polish or regular nail polish?
you’ve done your research and come to the conclusion that gel polish is wonderful. you then proceed to look online for some different gel nail polish products to try out. you put some search terms in to google and instead of walking away feeling enlightened with gel polish knowledge, you end up more confused then ever. toffey has also created a short (less than 2 minutes) video to help you identify real gel nail polish. check it out below. gel polish has soared in popularity in the past few months and we have seen many brands polish (nice pun) their marketing...
what's the difference between led lamps and uv lamps?
it’s hard enough picking from the toffey gel polish range let alone weighing up the differences between LED or UV when it comes to your lamp of choice. we have done the hard work for you and put together a bit of a summary that won’t leave you losing sleep. both UV and LED lamps are wonderful products and will cure your toffey gel polish, but it is good to know the differing features of the two. toffey likes to think an informed decision is the best decision. watch toffey's UV v 's LED lamp video below UV lamps are...