marble nail technique with gel polish

Posted by Toffey Girls on

today, we are going to answer a question we have got quite a few times.

how to do marble nails, in the easiest way possible.

we have outlined the steps below in writing, however if prefer to learn in a visual way, we have created a short video showing you how to apply the marble nail technique:

what you will need

  • LED or UV lamp
  • minimum of 2 gel polish colours (3 is preferred)
  • top coat
  • nail brush or orange stick
  • alcohol wipe or acetone


1) ensure you already have applied your gel nails. if you need help with this, check out a previous video here.

2) using your marble colours, place 3 dots of each colour on your nail. ensure the dots aren’t too big (as they may get on your skin) or too small (as there won’t be enough).

3) using your nail brush or orange stick, swirl the 6 dots of colours around your nail. if you don’t like your design, simply wipe it off with an alcohol wipe and start again.

4) cure your nail for 60 seconds in the LED lamp.

5) apply a layer of top coat over your marble nail.

6) cure your nail for 90 seconds in the LED lamp.

7) wipe over your nail with an alcohol wipe or with some acetone.

done! show off your design on instagram using the hashtag #toffeygelpolish  

How to apply marble nails with gel polish

if you have any questions regarding gel nails that you want answered, please send us an email at or find us on facebook.

chat soon,

toffey girls xx

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