create your own gel polish colours

have you ever wanted to apply a very specific shade of gel polish that toffey doesn't have?
What does the fox say?
in this week's toffey talk, i am going to show you how to apply a mischievous little fox and polka-dots (because who doesn't love polka-dots) to your nails. let's jump right into the fox hole.
Latte art

one of my favourite things in the world to do is to go to my local cafe on a saturday morning. the fresh feeling of a new weekend, the amazing company of friends and family, the smell of coffee. is there anything better? that experience, that feeling, inspired this week's toffey talk gel polish nail art tutorial. latte art (featuring saturday morning piccolo) let's jump straight in. what you will need: saturday morning piccolo gel polish stairway to heaven gel polish top coat base coat nail brush or orange stick (for drawing the design) alcohol wipes (in case you make a...
Daisy nails

while cooler weather may be approaching with the end of summer just around the corner, let’s not let go of it completely! in this week’s toffey talk i am going to show you how to keep the sun shining by adding some lovely daisies to your nails. so read away and be inspired. alternatively, throw the headphones in and watch the short 2 minute video tutorial. what you will need stairway to heaven gel polish yellow submarine gel polish better left unsaid gel polish top coat base coat cotton buds alcohol wipes (in case you make a mistake)...
Gel Polish Sparkle

glitter gel polish is awesome. i love it. unfortunately, we haven't got any to offer you here at toffey. for now. so how can you get the wonderful glitter look? it is really, really easy. the picture below is what the end result looks like. you can, of course use the glitter on as many nails as you want. i just really like the look of the one accent nail. oh and if you want to watch the short video (thanks to the editor who intentionally left a blooper in there!) just scroll to the end of the post. what...